天科合达诚邀参加ICSCRM2023(TanKeBlue Invite partners to ICSCRM2023)



  ICSCRM (International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials) is an important international forum for technical discussion in the field of silicon carbide and other wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors, which delivers the most cutting-edge silicon carbide semiconductor technology information, with a great international reputation.

  ICSCRM2023 将于9月17-22日在意大利索伦托举办。届时,天科合达将派出商务合作考察团出席,以强化与全球客户和产业链上下游合作伙伴沟通和交流,积极寻求拓展海外业务。同时,我司报名同期举办的半导体展并设展位,欢迎前来洽谈交流。

   ICSCRM 2023 will be held in Sorrento, Italy, from September 17 to 22. TankeBlue commercial team will attend the summit to strengthen communication with global customers and upstream and downstream partners in the silicon carbide industry chain, and actively seek to expand overseas business. Meanwhile, TankeBlue will also bring the products and solutions in our registered booth in the exhibition. Welcome to TankeBlue booth for further communication.

Conference Hotel:Hilton Sorrento Palace

Report Hall




    Founded in September 2006, TanKeBlue Semiconductor Co.Ltd., is the pioneer of SiC material supplier in China. The company dedicates in the R&D, manufacture and sales of SiC wafers and relevant products. TanKeBlue has established a complete national layout with its HQ in Daxing District, Beijing,and three wholly  owned subsidiaries and one holding company. The above layout radiates to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and Guangdong -HongKong -Macao-the Greater Bay Area.


我们的使命 Our Purpose


Dedicating in R&D and manufacture of SiC material. We will devote to bring high quality products to customers worldwide.

我们的愿景 Our vision :


To be a world-leading player in the third generation semiconductor industry.

上一篇:一起同行 未来可期|天科合达十七周年庆 下一篇:天科合达受邀出席“第三代半导体材料制造与装备技术高峰论坛”